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Webpage Error List

ERROR:  100   :   continue: request header received by the server. sending request body in process.

ERROR:  101   :   error: switching protocols

ERROR:  102   :   error: processing (webdav)

ERROR:  110   :   ftp error: restart marker reply

ERROR:  120   :   ftp error: server ready in n minutes

ERROR:  122   :   request-uri too long

ERROR:  125   :   error: data connection already open. transfer starting

ERROR:  150   :   error: file status okay, about to open data connection.

ERROR:  200   :   ok: the request was successful.

ERROR:  201   :   created: request under processing.

ERROR:  202   :   accepted: command not implemented, superfluous at the particular site.

ERROR:  203   :   non-authoritative: the request is not available in the origin server, but is gathered from a local or third party copy.

ERROR:  204   :   no content: the request was successful. but the response does not have content.

ERROR:  205   :   reset content: the code instructs the user to reset the document view. ex: to html form, since no content is available.

ERROR:  206   :   partial content: the client requests get only a subset of the data.

ERROR:  207   :   multi-status: multiple requests made.

ERROR:  211   :   ftp error: system status or system help reply

ERROR:  213   :   error: the software key has not been activated.

ERROR:  214   :   error: help message

ERROR:  215   :   error: name system type.

ERROR:  220   :   ftp error: service ready for new user.

ERROR:  221   :   ftp error: service closing. control connection. gets logged out of appropriate.

ERROR:  225   :   error: data connection now open. no transfer in progress

ERROR:  226   :   error: closing data connection. requested file action.

ERROR:  227   :   error entering passive mode: this error means that the server has opened another port and is waiting for you to connect to it to receive the data.

ERROR:  230   :   error: user logged in. proceed

ERROR:  250   :   ftp error: requested file action completed. successful command execution.

ERROR:  251   :   error: the message to a specified email address is not local to the mail server.

ERROR:  252   :   error: recipient is unknown but mail server accepts the message and attempts delivery anyway.

ERROR:  257   :   ftp error: “pathname” created

ERROR:  300   :   multiple choices: the requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representatives.

ERROR:  301   :   moved permanently: all the request son the page will be redirected to a given url.

ERROR:  302   :   found: the requested source temporarily under a different url.

ERROR:  303   :   see other: the response to the request can be found under a different uri.

ERROR:  304   :   not modified: indicates that the resource has not been modified since the last request.

ERROR:  305   :   use proxy: the requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the location filed.

ERROR:  306   :   switch proxy: the status code used in the previous version of the specification is no longer used, and the code is revered.

ERROR:  307   :   temporary redirect: the requested resource is temporarily redirected to a different url.

ERROR:  331   :   ftp error: user name okay. password needed

ERROR:  332   :   ftp error: need account for login

ERROR:  350   :   ftp error: requested file action pending. waiting for further information

ERROR:  354   :   error: mail server is ready to accept the message or redirects the message to mail client.

ERROR:  400   :   bad request: the request contains bad syntax and cannot be processed.

ERROR:  401   :   unauthorized: the request requires user authentication.

ERROR:  402   :   payment required:

ERROR:  403   :   forbidden: the server has refused to respond to the request.

ERROR:  404   :   not found: the server has not found anything matching to the request url.

ERROR:  405   :   method not allowed: the request method was made by using a resource that the server does not allow.

ERROR:  406   :   not acceptable: no acceptable representation was found for the requested resource.

ERROR:  407   :   proxy: a proxy server required authentification.

ERROR:  408   :   request timeout: client failed to continue the request.

ERROR:  409   :   conflict: the request could not be processed due to a conflict in the request or the registration was rejected.

ERROR:  410   :   gone: the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.

ERROR:  411   :   length required: length of the content is not specified in the request.

ERROR:  412   :   precondition failed: the server found precondition(s) given in the request header to be false.

ERROR:  413   :   error: request entity too large

ERROR:  414   :   error: request-url too long

ERROR:  415   :   unsupported media type

ERROR:  416   :   error: the portion of the file requested by the client is not be supplied by the server.

ERROR:  417   :   expectation failed: the expectation given in the request header could not be met by the server.

ERROR:  418   :   i’m a teapot: it is apparently a hoax message.

ERROR:  421   :   error: too many users logged into the same account

ERROR:  422   :   :unprocessable entity. the request was well formed, but could not be followed due to semantic errors.

ERROR:  423   :   locked (webdav): the resource that is being accessed is locked.

ERROR:  424   :   failed dependency (webdav ): the request failed due to failure of a previous request.

ERROR:  425   :   unordered collection: cannot open data connection

ERROR:  426   :   upgrade required: connection closed. transfer aborted.

ERROR:  450   :   blocked: requested file action not taken. file unavailable. (try again later)

ERROR:  451   :   error: requested action aborted. local error in processing. (ensure commend and parameters were typed correctly.)

ERROR:  452   :   error: requested action aborted. insufficient storage space in system.

ERROR:  500   :   internal server: syntax error, command unrecognized, command line too long

ERROR:  500   :   .13 error: web server too busy.

ERROR:  501   :   not implemented: syntax error in parameters and arguments.

ERROR:  502   :   bad gateway: command not implemented.

ERROR:  503   :   service unavailable: bad sequence of commands.

ERROR:  504   :   gateway timeout: command not implemented for that parameter.

ERROR:  505   :   error: the server does not support the http version used in the request message.

ERROR:  506   :   error: a variant for the requested entity a negotiable resource. access is not possible.

ERROR:  507   :   error: insufficient storage (webdav)

ERROR:  509   :   error: bandwidth limit exceeded (apache bw/limited extension)

ERROR:  510   :   not extended:

ERROR:  530   :   error: user not logged in ( ensure you have typed correct username)

ERROR:  532   :   error: need account for storing files.

ERROR:  550   :   error: requested error not taken. if the requested file exists, you have no access to the file or dir.

ERROR:  551   :   error: requested action aborted. page type unknown.

ERROR:  552   :   error: requested file action aborted. exceeded storage allocation ( for current directory or dataset)

ERROR:  553   :   ftp error: requested action not taken. illegal file name.

ERROR:  554   :   error: you are trying to send adhost email through adhost’s mail server before authenticating your email to send mail.

ERROR:  10054   :   winsock error: connection reset by peer. the connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

ERROR:  10060   :   winsock error: cannot connect to remote server.

ERROR:  10061   :   winsock error:cannot connect to remote serve. the connection was refused by the server.

ERROR:  10066   :   winsock error: directory is not empty. the server cannot delete files with files/folders in it

ERROR:  10068   :   winsock error: too many users. server is full.


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